About Yogesh

"People never forget two things, their first love and their first Solo Trip"

Yogesh Alekari

What is Mission Life

Those who walk this way will never forget their experience.

Each adventurer takes away something unique from the Salguerro’s balmy paths. For some, the trill lies in the arresting views. they wonder at the myriad terrains one can tread while on a single coastal path. for others, it’s the breathtaking wildlife, always within reach. Salguerro is after all, home to the rare Salgo Gulls and gray-crested Seabird. But almost everybody will say that it is the quiet that they won’t forget-a comforting silence and solace that cities can never give.

What will you take from the journey? Find out for yourself Salguerro awaits.

My Previous Riding Experiences

I have rode through some of the most dangerous roads in India, including the Kilar to Kishtawar known as the cliffhanger road in Dhauladhar range, Kalpa and Sangla valley in Pir Panjal Himalayan mountain range, in Himachal Pradesh, (2018) and the Kishtawar valley, Zozi la Pass, Khardung La world’s Highest motorable road located in Ladakh at an altitude of 17582 ft.